Buying yourself a gorgeous leather bag can be an exhilarating experience. In fact, you may not want to spend a minute without it. However, in all that excitement, you can forget about one thing —how to care of it? Leather bags are a must-have and can last really long, provided you care for them well. Even if you haven’t bought the bag for yourself and are giving it as a gift, you can let your loved one know of these tips and tricks. They’ll thank you for it. You can thank us later 😉Let’s get into these really hands-on and practical ways of taking care of your handcrafted leather bag:
Your brand-new bags need some TLC before you actually use it. You can think of it like prepping for its debut. All you have to do is use leather cream or wax. These are easily available in the market and even online. Simply take a little bit of the cream and dab it across the bag. You don’t even need to buy a special cream for this, just use petroleum jelly or vaseline. Gently rub it across the bag. This will give your bag a protective layer and prevent it from damage or harm. It will also give your bag some of that shine, though your smile is probably already doing that anyway😊
We know you can’t but help carry your bag around everywhere. But do remember that using it often will cause natural wear and tear. This is fine.
- Just remember to use your bag with clean hands. Food stains can damage the bag, so be extra careful around Handcrafted leather can take on grease and oil easily, so just make sure you handle it with care. You also need to be careful about avoiding stains from pens, nails as these can cause marks on your bag too.
- Another important thing to remember is to clean it often. Use a semi-damp cloth and ensure that the cloth is never too wet. If your bag is exposed to wetness, it will take time to dry. Just use a soft, damp cloth to clean it often.
- In case your bag gets wet, leave it out in the sun to dry for some time. Remember not to leave it out for too long. Also, your bag is going to be prone to scratches and stains over a period of time. While some staining is negligible, if you feel that the bag is too damaged, you could go to a nearby leather treatment shop to spruce it up.
- For simple stains, you could use chalk powder and clean it using a cloth. This is a simple remedy for when food drops on the bag. Don’t wait for these stains to sit too long, just treat them there and then.
- After using your bag, stuff it with newspaper or bubble wrap to retain its shape. Ensure you don’t squeeze it in some corner of the cupboard. Whenever you store, insert newspapers and keep them aside. For an Immri bag, it is recommended to store it in the bag it comes in.
- Apply that vaseline on your bag again. When you have used the bag for some time, clean it and reapply that cream you bought. After all, isn’t it better to maintain than to repair the damage that has already been done?
At Immri, we believe in creating products that last long and even provide repairing services on all our products. So if you’re looking for some TLC for your Immri bag, get in touch with us!
We hope that you have been able to understand the nitty gritties of caring for that handcrafted leather bag you love so much. Show it more love and care and it will be by your side for a long time.
Now that you know how to care for it, there’s no reason you shouldn’t buy more. Shop away!